Staying Motivated

Staying Motivated

1- Find creative ways to eat less. While doing these things alone won't necessarily make you lose weight, they can be helpful little tricks to keep you moving on the right path. Try out the following to help your hunger cravings during the day:
  • Eat three fewer bites of each meal.
  • Put your knife and fork down between bites.
  • Use smaller plates, and fill your plate only once.
  • Wait to eat until you feel hungry, don't just snack when you're bored.

Staying Motivated
2- Find creative ways to manage your cravings. If you're used to big snacks and indulgent meals, it's no secret that dieting and switching to exercise is challenging. But learning to manage your cravings for a big slice of cake or a greasy hamburger is possible, with a little creativity.
  • Smell fresh fruit when you want a snack, instead of eating something.
  • "Close" your kitchen between meals.
  • Don't keep sugary or fattening snacks in the house.
  • Some studies show that the color blue is an appetite suppressant. Try getting a blue tablecloth, or blue dishes to eat on.

Staying Motivated
3- Eat at home. Going out to eat makes it too easy to cheat. Food sold at restaurants is commonly much higher in fat, sodium, and other weight-loss killers. The portions are also often much larger than what you might usually eat at home, as well. Instead of heading out, try to make your own meals.
  • Eat in a small group, instead of a large one. Some research shows that people eating at big tables tend to eat more than people eating alone.
  • Don't eat while you do other things, in general. Watching television, or reading, or working while you eat often causes people to eat much more food than they normally would.

Staying Motivated
4- Eat cereal for breakfast. One recent study revealed that people who eat cereal for breakfast each day have a much easier time losing weight than people who eat other types of breakfast. Start your day right with a high-fiber, nutrient rich natural cereal, or oatmeal.
  • Switch to skim milk with breakfast and for use in other dishes. Each lower-fat step you take down, you're losing 20% of the calories. Switching to a low-fat version of milk is an excellent way to cut down on the calories you're taking in, without having to sacrifice any of the nutritional benefits.

Staying Motivated


5- Decide to lose weight in a group. Commit to losing a certain amount of weight by a certain date with the caveat that you'll pay up if you don't lose. You may enjoy starting up a Biggest Loser Club at work or with your friends, or you can investigate a weight loss betting website. 

Staying Motivated
6- Give yourself a treat now and then. If you're attending a party or going out for a special occasion, allow yourself an indulgence. Just make sure that these indulgences don't become daily habits. Don't let a single slip-up derail your diet and exercise plan. Get back to it, even if you forget for a day or two.
  • Try using non-food rewards as well. When you do something right with your diet and exercise, treat yourself to something. Go to a game with a friend, or get a manicure, a massage or a trip to the movies when you meet your mini-goals. Get yourself that new shirt that you've been wanting if you meet your goal of losing a pound this week.

Staying Motivated Staying Motivated Reviewed by Alicia on 10:35:00 AM Rating: 5
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